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Cor Infantil Amics de la Unió

VEUS – Cor Infantil Amics de la Unió was created in 1996 within the Amics de la Unió Music School established that same year as part of the Societat Coral Amics de la Unió, a society which since 1877 has been committed to promoting choral music and ensuring its diffusion.
It is formed with young singers aged from 11 to 17 and it is one of the best Spanish children choirs, known by the quality, eclecticism and uniqueness of their productions. The choir has performed and produced children’s operas, school and family concerts, musicals, concerts with choreographies and dramaturgy, and productions which aim to present vocal music in an original and exciting way. Cor Infantil Amics de la Unió has been choosen as one of the 24 best choirs in the world for the World Simposium on Choral Music 2017 and it will participate in the Taipei International Choral Festival this summer of the 2017.
Since its foundation, the choir has been conducted by Josep Vila i Jover , and has also worked with renowned conductors such as Christian Grube, Francesc Guillén, Òscar Boada, Manel Valdivieso, José Luis Basso, Antoni Ros Marbà, Pablo González and Jordi Savall, among others. All children in the choir take voice lessons with teachers Maria Illa, Alba Ballús, Júlia Sesé and Lahrs Ishdal.

Recent Prizes






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Recent prizes

2017 Fondazione Guido d’Arezzo. Award

2016  European Gran Prix for Choral Singing Association (Varna)


2015  47 Certamen Coral de Tolosa (Spain)

         1st prize

2013  Let the Peoples Sing! (EBU choirs contest)

         Youth Choirs prize

         Silver Rose Bowl to the best choir

2013  59 Certamen Internacional de Habaneras de Torrevieja (Alacant, Spain)

         National Prize

         Audience Prize

2010   42 Certamen Coral de Tolosa (Spain)

         2nd prize

2009   XV Certamen Juvenil de Habaneras de Torrevieja (Spain)

         1st prize

2009   27 Festival Internacional de Música de Cantonigròs (Spain)

         2nd prize

2007   II Festival Internacional de Cant Coral de Malgrat de Mar (Spain)

         2on premi

2006   IX Antigua Abesbatzak Lehiaketan de Zumarraga (Spain)

         2nd prize

2006   XII Certamen Juvenil de Habaneras de Torrevieja (Spain)

         3rd prize

Other festivals

2017  Taipei International Choral Festival (Taiwan)

2017  11th World Simposium on Choral Music (Spain)

2016  Congrès International des Chefs de Choeur (France)

2016  European Festival of Youth Choirs of Basel (Switzerland)

2016  Festival Castell de Peralada (Spain)

2015  Festival de Música Antiga del Pirineu (Spain)

2015  Festival jeune public pour les écoles (Luxembourg)

2015  7ème Festival Choral International Aveyron (France)

2013   YEAH! Awards Festival in Osnnabruck (Germany)

2013   International Match of Young Choirs in Rouen (France)

2012   Festival Internacional de Cors Joves de Granollers (Catalonia)

2011   Festival Eurotreff a Wolfenbüttel (Germany)

2008   Certamen Coral de Tolosa (Spain)

2008   International Choir Festival in Miedzyzdroje (Poland)

2007   Festival International de Choeurs d’Enfants a Provença (France)

2004   Youth Choir Festival, Veldhoven (The Netherlands)

2004   Festival Internacional de Música de Cantonigròs (Barcelona)

2003   Festival International de Choeurs d’Enfants, Provence (France)

2002   Touch the future, Dammstadt (Germany)

2001   4es Racontres Internationales de Thuir (France)


2016  Un Barret de Cançons. Music by Josep Vila Casañas and lyrics by Miquel Desclot. Published by FICTA.

2014  Un Conte de Nadal. . Works by Guinovart, with Orquestra Camera Musicae. Published by La Mà de Guido.

2014  Història de Catalunya amb cançons. With OBC conducted by Antoni Ros Marbà.

2012   There is no rose – A ceremony of carols by Britten and Dancing day by Rutter for choir, harp and drums. Published by La Mà de Guido.

2010   El Bestiolari d’Albert Guinovart – – songs based on Miquel Desclot’s poems for children.

2009   Josep M. Ruera – Música Vocal – Inedited music by the Catalan composer J. M. Ruera.

2008   Musica Coeli – La Música del Cel – A selection of sacred music of different periods.

2006   Els Pecats del Cor – A compilation of jazz music featuring Martí Ventura Trio.

2006   Deu anys, Deu Estrenes – Celebrating the Music School’s 10th anniversary.

2004  Cançons – a collection of both a cappella and piano-accompanied choral works.

2003  Blancs – in collaboration with the Children’s animation group El Tramvia Blanc.

2003  Músiques de la Festa Major de Granollers.

2001  Cinc anys fent música: in honour of the Music School’s Fifth Anniversary.

Highlighted concerts

2016  Cançons Nocturnes. (night songs). Release of the work Cançons Nocturnes entrusted to Bernat Vivancos with the Orquestra de Cambra de Granollers conducted by Edmon Colomer.

2016  Alícia al País de les Meravelles. Meravelles (Alice in Wonderland). Music by Joan Vidal and text by David Pintó.

2015   Carmina Burana by Carl Orff with OSV at Palau de la Música Catalana

2015   Cançons de la lluna al barret. Works by Josep Vila Casañas with Sol Picó coreographies.

2015   Stabat Mater, , by G. B. Pergolesi.

2015   J. S. Bach’s St Mathew’s Passion conducted by Jordi Savall.

2015   Viatge al cor music by Àlex Martínez and lyrics by Eulàlia Canal.

2014  Our Garden, by Arvo Part with OSV at Palau de la Música Catalana.

2014  Simphony n.8 by G. Mahler (“Simphony oh thousand”) with OBC conducted by Pablo González.

2014  The magic flute. Arrangement of Mozart’s opera.

2014  Tosca at Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona.

2014  Conte de Nadal d’Albert Guinovart. Based on Dickens’ Christmas Carol.

2013  Salve Regina. Contemporary sacred music.

2013  A la vora de la mar. Traditional music related to the sea.

2012   V-E-U-S! !. a special performance of music, light and coreography.

2012   Vivaldi, versió original. Vivaldi’s Gloria and Magnificat.

2012   Hansel i Gretel, by Engelbert Humperdinck

2012   There is no rose.Rutter i Britten works.

2011   Mar i Cel. By Albert Guinovart, as a celebration of school’s 15th anniversary.

2011   Brundibar a Therezin. Play based on Brundibar by Hans Krasa.

2010  Der Rosenkavalier by R. Strauss. Featuring in Gran Teatre del Liceu production.

2010  El viatge terrífic del Patufet, by David Gómez and Eulàlia Canal.

2009   El Bestiolar with Albert Guinovart.


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